Exciting news for all real estate enthusiasts! Whether you’re just dipping your toes into real estate investing or you’re a seasoned investor looking to take your business to the next level, we have something special for you.

Introducing “Real Estate and Wealth,” the upcoming podcast by Calvert Home Mortgage Investment Corporation. This new series is designed to empower Real Estate Investors (REI) across Canada with cutting-edge insights, practical strategies, and inspiring success stories.

Whether you’re new to investing, have been in the business for a few years or a seasoned Real Estate Investor, you will find value. Stay tuned for its launch and get ready to transform your real estate journey!

Why is Calvert Home Mortgage Launching a Podcast?

To bring you good actionable information, resource and conversations that will help you elevate your real estate investing strategy.

You can continue to find a wide variety of resources on our website for  Mortgage Brokers, Homeowners and Real Estate Investors.

Resources include:

Click here to check out all the great podcasts our team has been featured on from other real estate influencers across Canada.

And we want to do more to support you.

Our podcast will be a powerful way to educate and empower individuals currently involved in real estate investing, or interested in becoming a Real Estate Investor. It will be an effective tool to share key insights for your success.

You can “tune in” on your own schedule, even while doing other activities like commuting or going for a walk. Podcasts are easily accessible, and provide a community—in our case, a community of Real Estate Investors.

What is the Focus of the Calvert Home Mortgage Podcast?

Real Estate and Wealth is a podcast with several goals:

  1. Educate and nurture Canadian Real Estate Investors.
  2. Inspire investors to take action, and be more successful.
  3. Discuss economics and the impact on the housing landscape.
  4. Make information accessible and easy to understand for newer Real Estate Investors—and those who have been in the business for years.
  5. Solve problems of confusion and uncertainty among aspiring and newer investors.
  6. Provide accessible and practical information.

Real Estate Investors play a key role in Canada’s housing market. For instance, there is a need for rapid new housing to support population growth. Real Estate Investors contribute to providing this much-needed housing by renovating existing houses, adding secondary dwellings into existing single-family homes, and supporting new development.

Calvert Home Mortgage, through Real Estate and Wealth, will offer another resource that will empower investors to carry out these ventures. The Company has 49 years of experience funding over a billion dollars in mortgages and has previously navigated turbulent economic cycles.

Unique to other podcasts on the markets, Real Estate and Wealth will provide the perspective of a lender and will host experienced industry professionals, including successful Real Estate Investors. We will leverage our knowledge and experience gained over many years of providing mortgages in Canada to share this valuable and actionable insights for Real Estate Investors.

What Are Some of the Topics to be Featured on the Podcast?

We’ll bring together a variety of resources, such as bi-weekly interviews with experienced Real Estate Investors who have done deals with us, experts, and other industry professionals. Add to that, you can expect educational episodes on investment strategies, and market analysis.

Here’s what will make our podcast stand out from others:

  • We will provide insights from the perspective of a lender who decides whether an investor is granted a loan.
  • We will have actionable insights for Real Estate Investors.
  • We have a focus on economics and how it affects an investor’s portfolio.
  • We will tackle points of friction encountered by Real Estate Investors such as low inventory, finding deals, lack of knowledge and confidence, access to capital, “paralysis by analysis”, negotiation tactics, and finding credible suppliers and contractors.

The Bottom Line

We’re excited to launch this podcast for our clients and Real Estate Investors across Canada. As they say in the podcast world: Stay Tuned!!

Calvert Home Mortgage Investment Corporation is an alternative lender in Alberta and Ontario that supports Real Estate Investors. Contact one of the experienced underwriters for more information on how rental investments are good for the real estate market.


Ardith Stephanson is a freelance writer and journalist who writes on a variety of topic areas.